Tuesday, 23 December 2014

This week in Immoren: Priming

I've been putting this off for some time now as frankly, I'm terrified of damaging it. However, with a little over a month until it is needed for New Year's Revolution, I think I need to get cracking with the Prime Axiom, as whilst a fully painted Army isn't a necessity, I'm guessing using an empty base will be, at least, frowned upon!

Monday, 8 December 2014

This week in Immoren: Onwards

The Journeyman League is long since done and dusted, and it's onwards and upwards. I didn't really get a great handle on the Convergence in the larger games, but a bit at a time I'm beginning to understand them.

I think one of the issues is that I was still trying to cope with the differences between Warmachine and Hordes. At the lower levels where resource management wasn't spread so thin, I was doing quite well, however once you add in a couple of units and solos that may need a little boost, it's a bit tricky.

Still, I'm settling in to it now and I do enjoy the challenge of the faction.

Monday, 1 December 2014

Malifaux Journal: Elementary lessons

My schemes are paying dividends, whilst those of my Masters are thwarted, and yet they do not see my hand in this, but that of a cruel Fate. It will not be long before I cease to kneel and cower before them, instead to rise proudly, and take their power for my own.

Well I survived Elementary. I didn't win any games, again, but I did feel that I put in a valiant effort.

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Malifaux Journal: Rise once more

I am stronger now. I have rested and studied and now I am ready to venture forth once more. The Masters have underestimated me, for I am now playing two off against each other. I must be wary, lest my hubris get the better of me, but for now my own schemes are progressing, parallel to those of The Masters', yet unseen by them.

Malifaux has very much been forced to take a back seat in recent months. A mixture of very little time, Priority gaming time being given to Warmachine, and a lack of available opponents that aren't also suffering from at least two of these, and many other reasons besides has meant that I haven't had more than a couple of games since I attended Cojo Dojo. I have, however, assembled a good many models, but fear not, I've not painted anything yet! 

Monday, 8 September 2014

Malifaux Journal: Progression

The masters have begun to trust me enough again to let me write. They did not take well to the failure of my last assigned task, for which I was punished. It has taken much to appease their wrath and many promises I hope I can keep, for I fear this is my second and
final chance. 

I have been given to a new master as the old one grew tired of my excuses. In truth I belong to many masters, yet only one at a time ever assign me a task. I think they fear my escape, as last time I came in to contact with the servants of others, from whom I learned much of the wider world of Malifaux.

Well the Cojo Dojo has long since been and gone, and I really enjoyed my first Malifaux tournament. In the end, I finished 29th out of 30, which is one place higher than I expected. It should be pointed out here that I got the same points (nil) as the people that came 28th and 30th, but what separated us were the VPs from our games. 

Monday, 18 August 2014

This week in Immoren: Starter's orders

Last Monday we began the Journeyman League at the club and I'm pleased to say that it had a fantastic turnout with 19 players, so well done to Dave for that!

Sunday, 10 August 2014

This week in Immoren: Out of my League

There is a Journeyman league starting at the club tomorrow, and having recently started the Convergence, I've decided to use them. 

Wednesday, 30 July 2014

The State of the Nation 2014

I realised a few days ago that I set up this blog four years ago today, and wow, I've dodged a lot of painting since then! A canny reader will see that I've got older posts than that, but they were added retrospectively from my old forum posts so that I still had them after the forum shut down. The very first post concerned itself with my plans to assemble a pre-bought Adeptus Mechanicus Battlefleet Gothic fleet. In the end, it never came to fruition as we never really got stuck in to that game. Instead it went a long way to financing my early Trollbloods. 

I've done a lot since then, and many plans have been devised and sidelined in that time, but I think that it has been for the better.

I wrote a similar post to this last year, albeit a little earlier in the year than this. In it I outlined my plans going forward. I shall do this here this year, but first I intend to reflect on that post a little and provide an update on some of the systems.

I spoke about sticking with one list for each system, namely the chaos army for each but with the addition of a Daemon Army that was in the pipeline. This has stalled. 

I've felt very let down by GW over the last couple of years. I feel that they are stretching the customer's finances more and more with each release and yet are not actually adding much of value for it. I understand that this is just my point of view, however this is sadly how I feel. The only thing keeping my from shedding my collection wholesale is that they are stored for the move that never seems to get nearer. However there is a strong possibility that I shall be unboxing them to go on eBay. 

I plan to keep a couple of armies, and at least one for each system, but this is more in hope than expectation that things will improve. Frankly I'm having more fun with other systems, and the best way for me to finance these is to use money from sales of unwanted armies.

No real change here. I didn't have time last year, and that hasn't changed. A new edition has been, or is soon to be released, I'm a bit out of touch, and yet still as much fun as it was, it took too long to play a game at a worthwhile size; and the amount of clutter from tokens, markers and dice to indicate hit points etc was far too fussy. At some point I intend to re-look at this, but it won't be for some time and will probably be with the Russians. 

This has developed in to my main game over the last year. I'm very much enjoying the game and am really beginning to get the hang of my Trolls. I actually even have some of them painted now. This was so that I went to my first tournament with at least some models were painted.

Last year I spoke of sticking with Jarl and the Hunters Grim, however in a twist of fate, Grissel2 is now my strongest caster. She is the new thing now albeit with a different list to mine), but at the time many didn't rate her too highly. I found that for infantry spam she does enough to help out without having too many options to choose from. She's also got herself a reasonable kill tally in the 'Caster Kill Challenge. At present I don't really have a strong secondary caster, but as Borka2 is out later this year, I may well focus on him being my go to heavy hitter list. 

I've also now delved in to another faction. With the sales of some of my GW armies, I've been investing in Thornfall Alliance Minions, Circle Orboros and Convergence of Cyriss and it is the latter I've recently started. It is early days still, but I'm enjoying them. Having started with Axis, I'm not using too subtle a list, but whilst I'm keeping with him at the moment, I'm looking to the other casters to find something a bit different. However much I try to avoid it I keep heading back to the Prime Axiom for my lists, which means that sooner or later, so heavy duty assembly and painting is going to be required. 

A month or two after last year's article I went by train with Sam into Leeds. On that fateful journey, we bumped in to an acquaintance of Sam's that played Malifaux. He was an odd fish, but he did assuage a lot of my misgivings over Malifaux and as such I began to look further in to the game. I joined as Wyrd were finalising their playtesting for the second edition of the game (M2e) and so things were a little all over the place, however I saw the promise and began to play, and moreover, buy lots of models. 

It was a rough start, and there are still teething problems it seems, however I've played seven games now and I am in love. Initially I have been playing Seamus who is one of the Resurrection's masters. I do intend to branch out from him, but I shall discuss that later. 

I've recently been to a Malifaux tournament hosted by The Outpost and whilst I came 29/30 I had a great day, and did reasonably well on VPs if not wins. I shall write a bit more on this in another post.

I'd resisted it for ages, but as we all know, (wait for it) resistance is futile (boom boom!). Speaking of the Borg, that's one of the fleets I'm collecting. That and the Romulans. I don't mind having a few Federation ships but I much prefer playing the opposition. 

This is going to stay an occasional game and I...will...not...buy...X-Wing!

The plan for the year ahead

This is usually the bit where I get things wrong. 

Neither Warhammer nor 40k are likely to get a look in over the next year. I see things getting worse with those systems, not better and as sad as it is, I think that the sun has set on those games. Yet as I said I shall keep a few options for them in case I'm wrong. 

Dystopian Wars may get a look in, but not for a while. That's about that for that. 

Star Trek Attack Wing is an occasional game for me, so whilst I shall keep my hand in its not something I'm going to go crazy on.

Guild Ball. This is a new one for me. I pledged on the Kickstarter and I'm looking forward to the release in December. Hopefully it will arrive before Christmas as that is my present. I've opted for the Butchers, the Masons and the Alchemists guilds. I'm not too sure how each of those teams play, aside from the Butchers apparently being a bit of a blunt instrument, but I went for the teams that I liked the look of the most, and it was a hard task to be honest. We shall see how it plays out. Since this will be my Christmas present, I'm hoping it will be sent out before the expected release date of December 29th. 

Warmachine and Hordes will continue to be my first game. Not least as it's the most accessible game for opposition. I'm enjoying the Convergence at the moment and will continue to tinker with them including taking part in a modified Journeyman League at the club. The Trollbloods aren't being sidelined. I've got some lists planned which will need testing at some point. Grissel2 remains my main caster, though I'm not really sure whether I'm going to give in to the Meat Mountain list much time. I'm liking the look of a Borka2 list I've come up with, but it will need some playing as I'm not sure whether my theory machine is that strong. 

My plans for Malifaux are to continue with the Ressers. I'm waiting for Molly to come out so I can play about with a summoner. In the meantime I shall develop Seamus and play about with McMourning.

I've also signed up to another tournament in November, is time at Stockport at the NWGC. I think it would be wise to stick with Ressers for this, but I shall be looking at the Outcasts at some point too. I've got the Viks to look at as well as Misaki, and as soon as I can get my hands on Jack Daw, I shall be getting him too. So many choices!

So that's it really, another year on and another set of plans. Maybe the next time I write this type of article, I will actually have moved!

Friday, 18 July 2014

This week in Immoren: Progressing like Clockwork

After a bit of a break from Warmachine and Hordes to concentrate on Malifaux, I've started to look at the game once more. This time, rather than go back to the Trollbloods, I've decided I want to give something new a try, which meant either Convergence of Cyriss, Circle Orboros or Thornfall Alliance as those are the three I've been stocking up on following my recent selling spree to fund new stuff. In the end I decided upon Convergence. 

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Malifaux Journal: Escalating threats

There is something in the air lately. Despite only recently being blooded by my masters, the tension is rising as though they mean to test me further. I do not know what the future holds, but it seems fate will do with me as she sees fit. 

Friday, 6 June 2014

Malifaux Journal: Rotten Dreams

I had thought my current allies amongst the most terrifying creatures this hell could conjure, but alas today I faced the stuff of my very Nightmares. I would fear for my soul at seeing such sights, were I not convinced it already beyond redemption

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Malifaux Journal: Among the dead things.

It has been some time coming, but I am finally beginning to progress my own schemes. It is not as I expected as I have made pacts with the dead to achieve what little gains I have so far made. I fear our fates shall be entwined for some time yet. So be it.

Sunday, 13 April 2014

This week in Immoren: Ever onwards

After a couple of weeks off following the recent tournament, I'm back to thinking about Warmachine again. I had intended to look at a new faction after Fresh Starts, be that the Convergence or Circle, however, it seems I cannot shake off the Trollbloods. 

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Malifaux Journal: Settling In

It seems like years since I arrived in Malifaux, but I have no idea how much time has really passed. I have spent time trying to get to know my surroundings, impossible though that is. 

I have been approached by numerous different parties seemingly vying for my attention. For now I am drawn to two, as their agendas best suit my own, and yet both are in opposition of each other. I can not put off my decision for long, but will I regret my choice?

Friday, 14 March 2014

This week in Immoren: Fresh started and finished.

Fresh Starts has now been and gone and I had a great time! It wasn't quite the beginners tournament I thought it would be, but it was a nice introduction nonetheless. 

There were four rounds altogether each using a different mission from the Steamroller 2014 rule pack. The missions were Incursion, Process of elimination, Balance of power, Close quarters. 

Monday, 3 March 2014

This week in Immoren: Fresh Start approaching

Fresh Starts is now less than a week away and as it stands I am nowhere near to achieving my fully painted lists. Grissel's battlegroup will be finished, as will the Whelps and the Feralgeist which is in the bag already. 

Saturday, 22 February 2014

This week in Immoren: Painting progression

Painting isn't progressing as well as I had hoped, yet better than I expected. As it stands presently I see no reason why Grissel's battlegroup shouldn't be completed, and Doomshaper's shouldn't have a reasonable chunk with at least a bit of paint on. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Guild Ball

Just a quick blog post about the new Kickstarter Project Guildball.

Guild Ball is a Medieval style fantasy football (soccer) game played more in the style of a traditional Wargame.

The website for the project is here.

I've been keeping an eye on this for a whole now, and I've now given in to temptation. I've decided to go for the two teams pledge, but I've had to fight the urge to go for four teams. So far I've resisted.

So far.

Monday, 3 February 2014

This week in Immoren: Going round in Circles

I've been toying with the idea for a while now, and this weekend I've given in a bought myself some Circle. There are a few things on order, such as the Starter Box, which I have been wanting for some time regardless, the obligatory Shifting Stones and a few solos, but as I went to Vapnartak yesterday I picked up a couple of units and the Druid Overseer. 

Thursday, 16 January 2014

This week in Immoren: Brush in hand part 1

So far this year I have already exceeded my total number of models painted in 2013. So far this year I have painted one model. However, seven modelsdo have paint on them and are works in progress. 

In the last couple of posts I've been discussing tactics and lists that I'm using for the Fresh Starts tournament at The Outpost in March. I've not yet progressed much beyond where I was after writing the last post as I've had a fair amount of work to do for University, but I have at least began the painting. In previous years going to GW tournaments, with this much time before the tournament I wouldn't have even thought about picking up a brush yet. Maybe because more models are involved, maybe because my heart wasn't in it, maybe because GW was telling me that to attend, I must have a fully painted army and I don't respond well to authority. 

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

This Week in Immoren: taking Grissel for a spin

Well, I've had a cracking weekend which included five good games of Warmachine. Two against Ben's Cygnar lists and three against Sam's Legion. 

Wednesday, 1 January 2014

This week in Immoren: Fresh year, Fresh lists, Fresh Starts

This week I've managed to test out my Borka list against Dave's pSorscha list. Consequently I'm now going for a beast heavy Doomie2 list.