It was almost blinding. I had been travelling for hours but knew that if I did not continue through this hell, I may not survive long enough to see its end. I had been sent to make a statement, and nothing would make that statement quite like arriving through a sandstorm. My papers directed me to an isolated mine that was down on it's quota. For no discernable reason, it had not been pulling its weight. Several times it had been given another chance, but each time it fell short. Well, this time I would be there to get the answers, to get the results. This time, the mine would achieve its goals, or with the full backing of the M&SU, I would bring about a reckoning.
I have decided that this year I want to push on with Malifaux. I've played Ressers for a year now and I have enjoyed doing so. I do want to continue with them, however I want to branch out a little more, and after some thought that will be explained later, I have decided to start using Arcanists as well.